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Before becoming a dancer at National Dance Company Wales, I worked in Frontier Danceland, a full-time repertoire company in Singapore, for 3 years as a dancer with additional roles as a digital marketing officer and youth training programme coordinator.

In the past few years I have been commissioned to choreograph work for the postgraduate dancers at VERVE, graduating students at Rambert School and young pre-vocational dancers at the Centre for Advanced Training (Lowry). I have also choreographed work at National Dance Company Wales, Frontier Danceland and School of The Arts, Singapore.

I have also worked with Richard Chappell Dance as a graphic designer (posters and flyers) and as a dancer and artistic collaborator. I also take on the role of being Richard's life partner—that's the best part.

Before Frontier Danceland, I trained and performed with VERVE, and before that trained at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance.

Before that, I was in School of The Arts Singapore (SOTA) where I was first exposed to contemporary dance at the age of 13.

Before that, I took ballet classes at the Singapore Ballet Academy, which was where I first started dance classes at the age of 5.

I started dabbling in street dance styles and other dance styles in 2010 or 2011 or something like that. Locking, popping, hip hop, house, lindy hop, capoeira, breaking... some more than others. They form a big part of my passion for dance and my lifelong pursuit is to keep learning and diving deeper into different genres of dance.

In 2017 and 2018 I assisted my friend Hwa Wei An in conceiving and running Paradigm Shift, a dance battle and workshop event in Singapore which welcomes and encourages artistic exchanges between dancers of different genres.

I have been choreographing for professional performances since 2012 and have had commissions from dance companies, schools, and commercial projects. Some of my self-produced dance-films have been screened in dance-film festivals in the UK.

Some choreographers I've worked closely with/whose work I have performed in:

Anton Lachky, Theo Clinkard, Fearghus O'Conchuir, Ed Myhill, Alexandra Waierstall, Nigel Charnock, Lea Anderson, Richard Chappell, Caroline Finn, Shahar Binyamini, Andrea Costanzo Martini, Anthony Matsena, Thomas Lebrun, Edouard Hue, Sarah Golding and Yukiko Masui, Marcos Morau, Matthew Robinson, Fernando Melo, Athina Vahla, Efrosini Protopapa, Tung I-Fen, Christopher Bruce, Adele Goh, Daniel Navarro Lourenço, Low Mei Yoke.

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